Shadow Yoga Intro Series

The Shadow Yoga Intro Series is the ideal Shadow Yoga beginner class, and a great option for anyone curious about Shadow Yoga. This three-session Intro Series teaches components of a typical class and the philosophy behind Shadow Yoga’s unique system. The series includes a short lecture, demonstration, a complete physical practice, and discussion, all of which will be adapted to the students in the room. You will come away feeling grounded and energized -- with a better understanding of Shadow Yoga -- after taking the Intro Series/Shadow Yoga beginner class series.

Sign Up For The Next Shadow Yoga Intro Series Today

Benefits of the Intro Series Shadow Yoga Beginner Classes

If you are curious about Shadow Yoga or have attended a few classes, the Intro Series reveals the purpose behind the practice. You’ll learn philosophical highlights, the benefits of a progressive system, and the importance of the teacher-student relationship. With this three-session Shadow Yoga beginner class series, you’ll come away feeling grounded and invigorated, with a better understanding of Shadow Yoga's unique tradition. The Intro Series is the perfect place to start your journey. 

Who should take Shadow Yoga Intro Series classes?

Anyone can sign up for the Intro Series, regardless of background or experience. The Intro Series is especially beneficial near the beginning of an individual’s learning process, but it can be taken anytime. Taking the Intro Series after (or along with) other Shadow Yoga classes provides a layered learning experience, since this series of Shadow Yoga beginner classes is taken as a three part series. Although the classes can be attended independently, we recommend attending all three classes in the series for the best benefit. The Intro Series is typically offered every quarter (except summer), on one evening per week for three consecutive weeks. Each class is 90 minutes long, and the cost of the full series is $59.

If you do not see an Intro Series on the current schedule, it will be added in our next round of schedule updates. Please sign up for our email newsletter to receive updates when a new Intro Series is added to our schedule.


Intro Series Shadow Yoga Beginner Classes FAQ

Can anyone take the Intro Series?
Are there any prerequisites to the Shadow Yoga Intro Series?
What is the difference between the Intro Series and the Shadow Yoga I classes for beginners?
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Shadow Yoga I

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Register for SHADOW YOGA I
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