About Continuum Yoga Studio in Bend

Continuum Yoga Studio in Bend offers a range of introductory classes for beginners and anyone else new to Shadow Yoga, and an integrated curriculum for students with Shadow Yoga experience. Our teaching is rooted in the system of Shadow Yoga created by Sundernath (Shandor Remete) and Emma Balnaves, who continue to impart the principles of yoga to students around the world. 

Welcome to Continuum Yoga Studio in Bend, Oregon.

As a student of Shadow Yoga for over 20 years, I believe in the potency and intelligence of this system and have seen its benefits unfold in my practice and that of many students over the years. The teachers who developed this system have worked generously and tirelessly to reveal the blessings of yoga, to help others live a life of meaning and depth.

Classes at Continuum Yoga Studio are small, which means I take a personal interest in your growth. Shadow Yoga can meet you where you are, whether you're looking for vigorous work like the Shadow Yoga Preludes, navigating an injury or want guidance on home practice. I feel truly fortunate to be teaching the principles of Shadow Yoga and look forward to sharing with you.

If you’d like to connect or have questions, please fill out a contact form; that goes straight to my personal email and I usually respond within 1-2 days. Hope to see you soon.


A swoopy signature of the name "Angie" written in black sharpie

What Makes Continuum Yoga Studio in Bend Different?

Modern yoga classes include physical postures (asana), breath instruction (pranayama) and sequences of postures linked together (vinyasa) to promote physical health. Shadow Yoga uses similar tools, but with a slightly different purpose. Our preparatory sequences reduce physical restrictions in the body and ignite the central power structure, leaving you freer in your body, grounded in the mind and invigorated in spirit. Some classroom activities may be familiar (sun salutation, for example) and others may be new, as instruction in Shadow Yoga is rooted in the subtle systems of marma, nadi and vayu. Shadow Yoga also includes circular activity -- not commonly found in other systems -- to help liberate the spine and direct energy to the nervous system. Students report this is what they love about Shadow Yoga: attention to the underlying forces that influence mind, body and spirit.

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Students facing the teacher during a yoga class at Continuum Shadow Yoga studio in Bend
What our students say


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5 stars
The environment and instruction is just wonderful! This yoga school is for anyone looking for a deeper yoga experience in all realms of the body, mind and spirit.
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5 stars
What a beautiful yoga space in Bend and an incredibly knowledgeable instructor.   Angie, gives such concise, specific and anatomical instruction that it has helped to me to deepen my yoga practice, which is not even Shadow yoga. Her classes are like a workshop in a really good way.
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5 stars
I have studied with Angie for a number of years and find her to be one of the most knowledgeable and compassionate yoga teachers I have ever worked with. Anyone who gets to attend classes at Continuum is so lucky. It's a beautiful studio with a teacher who will challenge and support you as you proceed in your Shadow Yoga journey.
Headshot of Angie Norwood owner and teacher at Continuum Yoga Studio in Bend, Oregon

About Angie

Angie (Lakshmi) Norwood is the owner of Continuum Yoga Studio in Bend, Oregon. In 2001, she began an apprenticeship with Mark Horner which continues to this day. Angie also learns regularly from Shadow Yoga's founders, Sundernath (Shandor Remete) and Emma Balnaves, who generously share the blessings of yoga with sincere seekers around the world. In 2008, she also earned a Structural Yoga Therapy certification (750 hours) with Mukunda Stiles, a compassionate teacher who taught the importance of adapting yoga to the individual.

After graduating from the Structural Yoga Therapy program at the Integral Yoga Institute in New York, Angie continued her study with Mark Horner. After years of teaching classes, workshops, teacher trainings and therapeutic yoga, she returned to Shadow Yoga as her primary practice and was granted permission to teach by its founders in 2018. With the support of her teachers, she envisioned opening a dedicated school and in 2022 Continuum Yoga Studio in Bend was born.

Angie grew up in the Pacific Northwest and attended Willamette University, University of Puget Sound, and Lewis & Clark College. She graduated from Capital High School in Olympia and has lived in Salem, Portland, Tacoma and Lafayette, CA. Today, she is proud to call Central Oregon home and lives in Bend with her husband and their slightly neurotic but lovable golden retriever. They enjoy the outdoors, cooking, time with friends, thrift shopping, college football and visits with their four grown children. In addition to managing Continuum, Angie works with the Heroic Hearts Project which provides therapeutic interventions for military Veterans.
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Why is there just one teacher at Continuum Yoga Studio?
Do you offer teacher training?
I’m a yoga teacher, can I use Shadow Yoga in my classroom?
Do you offer memberships or additional classes online? What is included in my class fee?
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Angela "Lakshmi" Norwood
Owner, Continuum Yoga
Understanding Bandha Part II: Uddiyana Bandha, the Abdominal Lock

Although rarely mentioned in modern classrooms, it is the ascension of the life force that was always the underlying objective of the practices of yoga . . .

Angela "Lakshmi" Norwood
Owner, Continuum, A School of Shadow Yoga
Restorative Yoga Vs Shadow Yoga

Restorative Yoga is a deeply relaxing and therapeutic practice designed to promote healing, reduce stress, and restore balance through supported postures and gentle breath awareness. This blog post explores the philosophy, history and defining characteristics of Restorative Yoga as compared to Shadow Yoga, a progressive system of study based on principles of early martial arts, Indian dance and the teachings of the Nath lineage, the earliest disseminators of Hatha Yoga.