Privacy Policy

Continuum, A School of Shadow Yoga, LLC

Privacy Policy ©2024 

Your privacy and sanity are important to us, and we never want communication in the form of notifications or marketing efforts from our business to add stress to your one precious life. At the same time, we cannot rely solely on interest from flyers, print ads and word of mouth to sustain our business, and need to access and manage some data in order to promote our business online. Collecting and observing data helps us reach new potential students, keeps our existing students informed about events and schedule changes, and improves the function of our website for an improved user experience. 

As an individually owned and managed school, our primary focus is on high quality yoga instruction. We do not have dedicated teams or contractors on retainer to manage data, run marketing campaigns or offer legal services, so we use secure, established platforms such as Google and Mailchimp to help us operate our business efficiently and professionally, and to reach potential students. 

We have reluctantly embraced the need to establish a trustworthy online presence, and that is not really possible without using a well-established platform such as Google Analytics. We rely on data collection tools offered through Google Analytics as part of its business service platform. Google Analytics collects aggregate, non-identifying information to help us understand how people are finding us, how our website is functioning, and how information about our school can be directed to potential students in our geographic region. You can find a more detailed explanation of how Google uses data to help businesses here

We also use registration and customer relationship management software (Momence) to create a convenient, streamlined experience for students. If you register for a class through our online registration platform (Momence) or its app, you have the option to receive reminders about classes, see your class credits and store credit card information for future purchases. We do not have the ability to change notification settings or see your credit card information from the administrative side, but you can change your notification preferences in the “settings” section of your personal Momence account. 

Registration through Momence will also add you to our email newsletter list (Mailchimp) or you can opt in through our website. By doing so, your name and email address will be retained for future communication. This means you will receive occasional articles, notices about community events and updates to the class schedule, which is revised every quarter. You can opt out of the Mailchimp newsletter by clicking “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the email, sending me a message ( or letting me know in person you’d like to be unsubscribed. I don’t want you to receive notices or announcements if you don’t want them, and would be happy to help you unsubscribe.