Community Sangha At Continuum Yoga Studio In Bend

At Continuum Yoga Studio, our classes are structured around time-tested principles of practice rather than modern “hacks” or shortcuts, and philosophy is woven into every class. The free community sangha is another opportunity to take the principles of yoga off the mat and into our everyday lives. Offered one Friday per month, the community sangha is an opportunity to gather with others, reflect on the wisdom of early texts, and grapple with the big questions of life.

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What Is The Community Sangha?

“Sangha'' traditionally meant society, or a gathering of people who share common values, and we have revitalized this concept here at Continuum Yoga Studio. Offered one Friday per month, each session begins with a short meditation, followed by discussion of a philosophical principle sourced from early yogic texts. We discuss the topic in the context of everyday life, sharing as much or as little as you like. The lightly facilitated discussion lasts about an hour, followed by 30 minutes of casual conversation and mingling. We provide herbal tea for everyone. 

Participants appreciate the opportunity to gather outside of a typical yoga class and discuss principles that undergird the practice. Some of the topics we’ve covered include non-harming (ahimsa), contentment (santosha), navigating difficult situations (pratipaksha bhavanam) and internal friction as fuel for spiritual growth (tapas). We implement a 100% compassion policy toward self and others and create an open, supportive environment of sharing and listening. Our intention is to build real connections among real people engaged in the messy, unpredictable business of life; we welcome you anytime.


All Are Welcome to Attend

Anyone is welcome to attend our community sangha, with or without a background in yoga or any other spiritual tradition. We have chairs and bolsters for seating, and you can drop in anytime. The sanghas are free, but we ask that you register ahead of time so we can bring enough tea mugs for everyone. 

Please check the class schedule for the next sangha, or sign up for our newsletter for monthly reminders and updates.

Community Sangha FAQs

I’ve never done yoga or studied philosophy, can I still attend the sangha?
I’m a practicing Christian, Buddhist, Atheist, meditator, etc., will the sangha conflict with my religious beliefs?
What are some of the topics you cover in the sangha?
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