Sadhana Support (Online Yoga Class)

The Sadhana Support class is a weekly online yoga class to support your personal yoga practice (sadhana). Content of the Sadhana Support class follows a quarterly curriculum, with a new element or principles introduced each week. This class includes a short lecture, a well-rounded physical practice and post-practice discussion. Sadhana Support is designed for individuals with prior exposure to Shadow Yoga.

View the schedule and sign up today

Benefits of Sadhana Support (Online Yoga Class)

The online yoga class introduces techniques in a practical way, so that you can make use of the information in your own sadhana. Regular attendance helps you stay committed to your practice, connect with other Shadow Yoga students and work with a teacher who is committed to progressive learning. You’ll enjoy camaraderie, new perspectives and an environment of independent learning, beyond what can be achieved by simply following a teacher.

Sadhana Support Class Schedule

Sadhana Support is a 75-minute online yoga class offered every Wednesday morning at 7:15 am; it is included in your monthly membership or class package, or can be purchased on a drop-in basis for $20. The online class follows the regular calendar of in-person classes at Continuum Yoga, which is published quarterly. Please register at least 2 hours in advance, as an automated Zoom link is sent before each class. Learn more and register for our next online class here.


Sadhana Support FAQs

Can anyone take the class? Are there prerequisites for Sadhana Support?
What if something comes up and I have to cancel? What is the refund policy for online classes?
How do I attend this online yoga class?
Is this live instruction or a recorded class?
Do I need to be on camera?
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