Private Yoga Classes At Continuum in Bend

Private yoga classes offer a more personalized type of support than group classes. Our private yoga classes take place at Continuum Yoga Studio, at a mutually agreed upon time. In a private session, we discuss your objectives and create a practice routine that supports your personal goals. Whether you are recovering from injury, want a sequence for home practice or are curious about yoga philosophy, a private yoga class offers an efficient, streamlined approach to help you deepen your practice.

Sign up for a private session

Private Yoga Class Details

Private yoga classes take place at our beautiful brick-and-mortar location, Continuum Yoga Studio in Bend. Private yoga is open to anyone, and especially recommended for those with specific goals, injuries or questions. Unlike a group class, in a private yoga session, the teacher adapts the practice to your needs and creates a personalized plan to help you move forward.

If you are interested in a private yoga class, please complete the private yoga inquiry form. Once we agree on a meeting time, I will reserve it on the studio calendar. Please make payment no later than the day of our session via cash, check, credit card or Venmo.

The cost of a private yoga class is $125 per hour. Some health insurance plans cover yoga for health maintenance, stress management or general wellness; please check with your insurance company or employer to determine if yours is one of them. I would be happy to generate an invoice or receipt for you to submit for reimbursement, but I am unable to bill insurance directly.

Benefits of a Private Yoga Class

Before the group fitness industry collided with yoga, teachings were passed from teacher to student in a one-on-one setting, based on individual needs and abilities. This type of learning developed trust, confidence and a direct feedback cycle of recommendations, response and refinement. 

Private yoga classes give us the luxury of time and individual attention, so the teacher understands not only your physical situation but also other factors affecting your life. While I am not a licensed therapist or health care provider, I know that private yoga can be an important supplement to other modalities, as our sessions are always personalized to your needs. Practices given to someone who has just lost a loved one, for example, will be very different from what is given to someone who is rehabilitating an injury.

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Private Yoga Inquiry Form

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Private Yoga FAQs

I’ve never been into the studio, can I still take a private yoga class with you?
Who will my instructor be?
Are private yoga classes only for Shadow Yoga students?
How long are private yoga classes?
Can I take just one private yoga class or do I need to commit to more than one?