Individual Asana at Continuum Yoga Studio In Bend

Individual Asana combines independent practice with personalized, hands-on assistance from the teacher in a semi-private setting. Students enter the classroom on a staggered schedule, complete their own warm-ups and are guided through a personalized asana sequence. The teacher provides grounding through physical positioning, marma support, use of props and placement of sandbags, allowing the nervous system to relax and internal wisdom to emerge. Knowledge of specific postures is not required, but students should be familiar with the Shadow Yoga warm-ups before participating in Individual Asana.

Individual Asana (IA) is offered on Thursdays from 4:00 - 6:00 pm. Please arrive between 4:00 - 5:30 pm and plan on 45-60 minutes of practice, including a restorative posture to conclude. Individual Asana is included in the monthly membership and class pass, or can be purchased for $20.

VIEW the schedule & Sign up

Individual Asana Benefits

The Individual Asana format is unique to Shadow Yoga and provides an opportunity for direct, hands-on assistance from the teacher. Independent practice creates ownership for the student, and personalized guidance from an experienced teacher can help a student generate internal space and sensitivity. Rather than simply deepening a posture through increased range of motion, students are taught to observe subtle patterns and imbalances, creating a depth of experience not available in public classes. Students build knowledge of techniques through personal practice (sadhana) while receiving sensitive, compassionate support.

The Individual Asana session is offered Thursdays from 4:00 - 6:00 pm. Please arrive no later than 5:30 pm and plan to spend 45-60 minutes at the studio. Individual Asana is included in the monthly membership or class pass, or can be purchased for $20 each session. If you attend more than one class per week, the monthly membership is the most convenient and economical way to stay committed to your practice.


Individual Asana FAQs

Can anyone sign up for the Individual Asana?
Are there any prerequisites?
I’d like to attend the Individual Asana, but the schedule doesn’t work for me. Do you have other options in a similar format?