Continuing Students

Welcome to Continuum Yoga Studio, an independent school teaching Shadow Yoga in Bend, Oregon. If you have previously learned Shadow Yoga and would like to continue learning at our beautiful, brick-and-mortar studio in Bend, we offer a selection of  Shadow Yoga classes for ongoing learning.


Options for Continuing Shadow Yoga Students

Shadow Yoga I

Rooted in the system developed by Shandor Remete (Sundernath) and Emma Balnaves, the curriculum at our yoga studio in Bend offers a variety of learning opportunities. If you’d like a refresher, our Shadow Yoga I classes teach dasa chalana (warm-ups), components of the preludes, dynamic standing activity (karana) and introductory seats. Any class labeled Shadow Yoga I is open to you, to refresh or review the fundamentals.

Sign up for SHADOW YOGA I

Shadow Yoga II

If you have experience with Shadow Yoga, the Shadow Yoga II (Intermediate) classes may be your best option. These classes reinforce the prelude activity and the systems of marma, nadi and vayu. Shadow Yoga II also teaches sequences known as asana angahara (arrangement of limbs) and the practices that constitute Nrtta Sadhana (Shiva’s Pure Dance). Eventually, the meditative practices of Taranyali Krantam (Emergence of the Thunder Dragon) revealed in Shandor’s recent book, Taranyali Tridha Dhyanam, will be introduced. This material is offered in weekly classes, long-form courses or weekend retreats, all of which are announced in our monthly newsletter. Students at this level should be familiar with uddiyana bandha, standing warm-ups, and both the circular and linear sun salutations taught in the Shadow Yoga I (Beginner) classes.

Sign up for SHADOW YOGA II

Individual Asana

Individual Asana sessions combine independent practice with hands-on assistance from the teacher in a semi-private setting. Students enter the classroom on a staggered schedule, complete their own warm-ups and are attended by the teacher through a series of seated and restorative postures. Through positioning, hands-on adjustments, placement of sandbags and contact with the vital junctions (marmasthana), the teacher helps the student cultivate internal sensitivity in a supportive environment.


Shadow Yoga Online

Our weekly, 75-minute online Shadow Yoga class is called Wednesday Sadhana Support, where you’ll find a specific theme woven into each class. This class is generally best for those who have a little bit of exposure to Shadow Yoga, so they are not overwhelmed with new material in a two-dimensional environment. The class is not recorded, and we expect that you participate fully by keeping your camera on. Each class includes a brief introduction and guided physical practice, with time for questions and discussion.

Continuing Shadow Yoga students may also also be interested in Private Yoga or our monthly Community Sangha.

Frequently asked questions

Shadow Yoga FAQs

I’ve practiced Shadow Yoga before, but not at Continuum Yoga in Bend. Which class should I sign up for?
It’s been several years since I last practiced, should I start at the beginning again?

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